
You can lead a child to school, but you can’t make him think. Thinking is inhibited by many things when you are trying to learn:

  • Lack of sleep.
  • Lack of proper nutrition.
  • Noise.
  • Learning disabilities like ADD/HD, Dyslexia, etc.
  • Poor eyesight and/or hearing.
  • Poor self-image.
  • Bullying.
  • Lighting (too bright or too dark).
  • Family drama.

Those are just a few of the inhibitors. Learning has a million faces and just as many ways to implement. This is not to promote a particular learning program but to point out simple things that can help create a thinking environment.  

Every child is unique and every one of them has a different learning style. This is the challenge for teachers when they are trying to implement their curriculum. You teach to the class, but you reach to the child. If they are tuned out for any reason, you have to be able to re-engage them.

A few suggestions to help:

  • If you know that the kids are particularly wound up, take a brain break. Let them do something fun like play a game or dance with a GoNoodle Video to help them get their energy out. I remember adults saying to me when I was little, “Can’t you sit still?!!!” The simple answer was “No, I can’t!”
  • Encourage parents to make sure kids get proper rest and are fed before school. You would not believe how many kids come to school with no breakfast and are totally exhausted from lack of sleep. Nobody thinks well when deprived of sleep or food.
  • Lighting and music can be used to create a learning environment. Consider using lamps instead of the harsh overhead lights and play appropriate music in the background.
  • Flexible seating helps. Using large inflatable balls to sit on is a treat for kids who need to bounce out their energy. Other kids prefer to stand when they learn. Create a classroom that has unique seating arrangements to give kids a choice. Giving them a choice helps give them a voice.
  • Allow for accommodations that each child needs.
  • Address bullying.
  • Encourage and praise baby steps.

School is mandatory. Learning is optional. Let’s give them a chance to think.


Dan Skognes

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