Taken for Granted

Posted in Business, Motivational, Relationships

I don’t think there is a person on the planet who wants to be taken for granted. Everyone wants to be appreciated for who they are and what they have done, and yet it happens daily to someone that they feel like somebody is not really appreciating them. That is a sad state of affairs for anyone.

Here are a few thoughts to deal with the dilemma:

  1. If you are feeling under-appreciated, let it be known. Don’t expect the other person to know how you feel if you don’t express it. Be specific if there are areas that the other person can improve upon.
  2. Check your own attitude. Are you having a pity party and taking it out on someone because you are feeling needy or just having a bad day?
  3. Ask yourself, “Am I guilty of the thing that I am accusing them of?” If you don’t show appreciation to someone, perhaps you are getting what you give. Just a thought. I am not saying that is right, I am just giving some insight to human nature.
  4. Learn the secret of self-esteem: People have a hard time feeling good about themselves if they are not appreciated. A word of encouragement, a thank you, and a sincere compliment go a long way.

I think too often people look at the glass half empty and forget to give thanks for all that they have been given. Gratitude is something that we need to cultivate early in life; that is why it is so important to show gratitude to kids and teach them to do the same. What we learn in childhood tends to be carried into adulthood. It is a sad thing to see an adult acting like a child with no self-discipline and no appreciation for what they have.

Gratitude is shown in many ways: verbally, acts of kindness, and being there for someone when they are in need. I am grateful for many things. God has blessed me in countless ways and I truly appreciate all that He has entrusted to me. My wife, my family, my job, my health, my spiritual gifts, and God’s provision for me are things that I am truly grateful for. I may not always show it or express it, but I am working on that to be more visible to others.

Let’s treat those closest to us with respect, love, and affirmation. Those seeds that are planted today will reap a great harvest if we continue to sow the right seeds.


Daniel Skognes
