
Fingerprints are unique, and everyday we leave our fingerprints on the minds and hearts of people we encounter. I regret that two people who profoundly changed my life both passed away before I could tell them how much they meant to me. Both were teachers. One was in high school, and one was in college. The first one encouraged me to be a creative writer, and the second one taught me the power of humor and story telling when engaging an audience.

This made me realize that we need to tell people how they have impacted us before it is too late. Think about folks that have changed your life for the better. It might be a teacher, a preacher, a friend, a neighbor, your spouse, a child, or even a stranger. Someone along the way said or did something for you that touched your life in a profound way. Perhaps they are still doing it. Take time to write that person a handwritten letter and let them know how much they mean to you and how grateful you are for them. Trust me, it will make their day. It will also remind you to do two things: 1. Leave positive fingerprints on all those who cross your path. 2. Have an attitude of gratitude.


Daniel Skognes

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