Why Life Isn’t Fair

You don’t have to be a genius to figure out that life isn’t fair. Bad things happen to good people, evil people seem to thrive when you are in need, and the team that you KNEW was going to win loses! What is up with that?

I am reminded of the story of Job in the Bible. He apparently was a pretty good dude and did nothing to bring on all of the problems that hit him. He lost his wealth, health, and even his wife told him that he should just curse God and die! Kind of makes you glad you are not Job, right?

The lesson from Job is that no matter what life throws at you, God is still there with you to see you through it. In all of the trials and tribulations that Job faced, he never lost his faith. God ended up restoring to him double of everything that was taken from him.

We may never understand why life if unfair, but we can trust that God is there. He will never leave us nor forsake us. His promises are “Yes and Amen.” If you are struggling with making sense of the bad hand you have been dealt, look up and let God direct your next steps. When you are pressed upon, press in to Him.


Daniel Skognes

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