My Word for 2021

Posted in Motivational, Relationships, Spiritual

Each year I ask God to give me a word for the new year. My word for 2020 was “Revelation.” I had no idea how prophetic THAT word was for the world. God truly revealed the hearts of man in the election and in the pandemic. Having said that, while I am disheartened over the way people treat each other and how the world seems bent on self-destruction, I still have hope for us.

My word for 2021 is “Restoration.” The enemy of our soul comes to steal, kill and destroy, but God is a God of restoration. He comes to heal, love, and lead us in spite of what we see, what we read, what we feel, and what we are told from the news and Capitol Hill. Don’t buy into all the media hype that panders fear upon us. That is not from God. I am not minimizing all the pain and suffering that we have gone through as a country and as a world…but I believe that God will restore what the enemy has stolen if we will turn our hearts to Him.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to go through another year like 2020 again. I hope and pray that we will learn the lesson so we don’t have to have history repeat itself. God continues to reach out to us. We have to do our part by repenting and being obedient to what He has already instructed us to do. How can we ever expect the world to change unless the people who are called by His name walk the walk? It is time for those who are Christians to do more than just give lip service. Time will tell whether anyone is paying attention to the Biblical prophecies that are unfolding as we speak.

May your new year be filled with faith, hope, love, and restoration.


Daniel Skognes
