What God Sows

Posted in Motivational, Relationships, Spiritual


Posted in Business, Motivational, Relationships

I am not sure where the quote came from, but I like it: “Learn to listen. Listen to learn.” Many obstacles keep us from listening to others: noise, electronics, phones, games, distractions and interruptions from others, etc. When we are teaching kids, we work hard to get their attention before we start speaking. We say things like “Waterfall, waterfall,” and the kids respond, “Shhhhhhhhh.” They know they are to stop what they are doing and give us their attention when we say that.

Too bad we can’t do that with adults. LOL. The older we get the more we seem to be distracted. I watch the Principal and Assistant Principals at our school and wonder how in the world they ever get anything done?! They are constantly being pulled in different directions for some “emergency.”

I think we as adults need to learn this truth and teach it to the kids: Someone else may have an “emergency,” but that does not necessarily make it OUR emergency. There are times we have to turn off the phones, turn off the emails, turn off the walkies, and set our priorities. Sometimes we have to delegate the issue. Sometimes we need to seek counsel and collaborate for a resolution. Sometimes we have to say “No,” or at least, “Let me get back to you on that.” Sometimes we just need time to think!

Listening is a skill that we can all improve upon, but it will never improve till we learn to handle the endless distractions and interruptions that life throws at us. Another truth to remember is that everyone needs to feel that they are heard and understood. It is foundational to building healthy relationships. Give others the respect of being heard….whether or not you agree with them. That will defuse many of the ticking time bombs that might otherwise possibly explode on you or others in the area.


Daniel Skognes



Opportunity Knocks

Posted in Business, Motivational, Relationships, Spiritual

Behind every problem opportunity knocks.”

Daniel Skognes

Next time you are facing a problem, look for the opportunity that is presenting itself. There is an old quote that says, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” No matter what the problem, no matter how daunting it may seem, or how overwhelmed you may feel, there is opportunity.

Recently I was at work and realized I had misplaced my wallet! I was in panic mode trying to remember where I had it last. The two things that can put most people in a tailspin are losing their wallet or losing their phone. I retraced all my steps from that morning and mentioned to a couple of people at work the pickle I was in. My mind went to the worst case scenario with someone either throwing it away or worse, using my confidential information against me.

One of the people I mentioned it to was the campus policeman. He said, “You were wearing an overcoat this morning. Do you think you put it in your coat?” That was the thing that snapped my brain back to calm. I never put my wallet in my coat, but I had not checked it either.

Sure enough, there it was in my side pocket. I must have put it in there to free up my hands so I could enter the building that morning. I had been looking at a shopping list before I entered the school and kept the list in my wallet. Talk about a relief!

So what is the opportunity here? The lesson for me was to breathe and let my mind think! It is hard to think when you are in panic mode. I hope there is not a next time, but if there is, I am going to try to stay calm and let God direct my path. I’m going to the prayer room, not the panic room.


Daniel Skognes


Love Your Enemies

Posted in Motivational, Relationships, Spiritual

This is probably one of the hardest things that we are commanded to do as Christ followers. It goes against everything our mind and heart wants to do. When we have been wronged, we want revenge, justice, and payback. We want them to feel the pain they have inflicted on us, and yet Jesus tells us to love them, to be kind to them, to forgive them!

I am just pointing out the obvious: That is a tall order! I don’t think we can do it on our own, either. It takes the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit to help us do what is seemingly impossible. If you have people in your life currently or in the past who have become your enemies, let God help you do the right thing. Ask Him to help you forgive them….and to love them.

The enemy of our souls is constantly stirring us up to hate one another, to destroy relationships, and to get revenge. We will be tested in this area. I pray that God bless you and give you His perfect peace. I pray that He give you the power to forgive and to love those who have hurt you.

One of the best signs of forgiveness is when we can show them love. That is true forgiveness. That frees us to be the person that God has created us to be in His image. It does not mean we allow them to use or abuse us. They have to be held accountable. It does not mean we have to allow them in close contact to us if the situation is dangerous or unhealthy. Proper boundaries are good to have for everyone and are necessary to have peace. Pray for one another in this area that we may be able to live in freedom that God intended for us, and that strongholds be broken.

It is a choice. Choose to live in peace and to love one another. The alternative will never give you the desired results and will leave you feeling empty.


Daniel Skognes