The Titanic

Posted in Business, Motivational, Relationships

Most folks have seen the movie once if not several times, and those who haven’t at least know the story from history. Many people are mistaken, however, in what caused the Titanic to sink. It was not an iceberg. It was the arrogance and pride of the Captain thinking he could force his way through iceberg infested waters.

When we ignore all the warning signs and decide to plow full speed ahead, that can be disastrous if not fatal. It might be a relationship that we foolishly engaged in, a job that we never should have taken, making a fool-hardy investment, or numerous other stupid decisions.

Things did not end well for the people on the Titanic. 1,500 people lost their lives on the maiden voyage. All of the needless loss of lives and property could have been avoided had the Captain just heeded the warnings which were all around him.

If you think, “Damn the torpedoes; full speed ahead,” and the water ahead is filled with icebergs, then you are reaping what you have sown. Don’t blame others for your stubborn pride and be ready for a tragedy that is about to sink you and your plans.

Pay attention to the warning signs and you will find life a lot less painful and much more rewarding financially. John Wayne had a great quote: “Life if tough, but it’s tougher when you’re stupid.” Learn from your mistakes and save yourself a lot of grief. You don’t want to live a life of regret, do you?


Daniel Skognes


A True Hero

Posted in Motivational

In 1976, Shavarsh Karapetyan, an Armenian Olympic swimmer, had just completed a 12-mile run with his brother when they saw a trolley bus crash into a dam reservoir. The trolley bus sank 80 feet offshore at a depth of 33 feet. Shavarsh immediately dove in and swam to the bus and despite zero visibility, managed to kick in the back window, injuring himself in the process. He proceeded to save twenty people trapped in the bus, one at a time, for hours.
The combined effect of the cold water and his inquiries from breaking the glass window led to his hospitalization for 45 days after the incident, during which time he developed pneumonia, sepsis, and lung damage which ended his athletic career.
For years, his story wasn’t known, until an article about the event identified him by name in 1982. In 1985, he happened to pass by a burning building and rushed inside, again saving people trapped inside one at a time until he collapsed. He was again hospitalized with severe burns and lung damage.
He’s still kicking it at 66. Just an awesome person I learned about today and thought I’d share.
Daniel Skognes

Show Me Your Friends

Posted in Motivational, Relationships, Spiritual

Friends can make or break you. They can build you up or tear you down. They can encourage you to do the right thing, or they can lead you to destruction. This is why I tell kids that friends are so important. Be careful who you call friend, because they will influence you in many instances more than your family.

My parents told me many times as I was growing up to be careful of who I decided to hang out with. The funny thing is, I still have to remind myself that who I call friend matters…and I have Grandkids.

I am blessed to have people in my life that share my core values. They love God, love their friends, love their family, and love America. If you have one really good friend, you are truly blessed! I have several, and that makes me rich! I have men in my life that speak truth, encouragement, and accountability. I try to be the kind of friend that is there 24/7 for my friends. We know that we can call each other no matter what the occasion and we will do what we need to do to help.

I have good news for you, even if you don’t have a really good friend. Jesus said that He is our friend! John 15:15 says: “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from My Father I have made known to you.” It does not get any better than that. Talk about a friend in high places! Let God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit be your BFF.

1 John 4:19 says: “We love because He first loved us.”

John 3:16 says: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whosoever would believe in Him would not perish, but have eternal life.”

Proverbs 18:24 says: “A man that has friends must show himself friendly, and there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.”

Choosing your friends are some of the most important decisions that you will make.


Daniel Skognes
