Growth Takes Time

Posted in Business, Motivational, Relationships, Spiritual

We live in a microwave society. We want what we want, and we want it now! The problem is, growth takes time. Take a look at plants and how they grow. The seed has to be planted in good soil, watered, and given the proper amount of sunlight. It takes time for the seed to sprout and become what it is destined to be. Take away any of those elements and it will not grow.

If you are frustrated with your growth (spiritually, physically, emotionally, socially, financially), take heart. Don’t get frustrated with the process. Keep the goal in mind and stay focused. Have faith! When you haven’t seen a child for a few months, aren’t you amazed with how much they have grown? The funny thing is that the child does not see what YOU see. Sometimes we are too close to really see the changes taking place in our own lives.

When a child is conceived, it takes 9 months for the child to be born. You can’t rush the process. It is nature’s way of preparing the child for living outside of the womb. Look at the obstacles you face with different eyes. God’s timing is perfect. He is always on time….every time. Quit worrying about how things appear and trust that God will help you through it. He will help you grow and fulfill your destiny.

Don’t try to rush the process. You just might miss the blessing of the journey. Enjoy the day you have before you and learn to live in the moment. Your destiny will unfold when it is time.


Daniel Skognes

But God

Posted in Motivational, Spiritual

Life can be frustrating at times for everyone. We have all faced times where nothing we were doing was working and failure seemed inevitable. Recently a young couple I know was trying to get the wife into a good hospital that would give her physical rehab as well as psychiatric help.

There was just one little problem: they had NO insurance. The first hospital that they were going to have to consider was one that had a terrible reputation for mistreating patients. Unfortunately there were few options because of the severity of the need. One quality hospital surfaced to offer help, but they wanted a tremendous amount of money. The mother was willing to do what she could, but the hospital requirements were just too much. They had pretty much given up all hope of finding a place that would help her get the care that she needed.

But God….

When all of their options had failed, God came through. Out of the blue the hospital agreed to take her and wasn’t haggling over the money. We can’t explain it. There is no logical or monetary reason that they should have helped, but they did.

I was thinking of a few scriptures (and there are many) that drive this point home:

Luke 1:37 For nothing will be impossible with God.

2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

Philippians 4:19 For my God will meet ALL your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.

Next time your back is against the wall, remember….But God. He is with us, for us, and able to do what no man can do.


Daniel Skognes

Walk the Talk

Posted in Business, Motivational, Relationships, Spiritual

Your character is revealed in what you do.

It has been said that talk is cheap, meaning that people will often tell you what they think you want to hear. It is a pet peeve of mine when people do that. I try to be a man of my word. I have not always succeeded at keeping it, but I don’t intentionally mislead people with what I say. When I can’t keep my word because of circumstances out of my control, I at least try to explain it.

I think I may be in the minority when it comes to keeping my word. Perhaps it is due to how I was raised. I admit that I am old school in many respects. I was taught to keep my word. In fact, when I was caught in a lie, Mom literally washed out my mouth with a bar of soap. LOL. I never forgot that lesson. Do parents still do that? Probably not.

Maybe I am too naive. When someone tells me they are going to do something, I tend to take them at their word and move on. Sadly, I have been burned many times in life by people who just tell me what I want to hear. I have had to learn the old adage the hard way: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”

I am eternally optimistic and trusting by nature, but I have learned that not everyone who calls you friend is a friend. Not everyone who says they love you really loves you. Their actions will tell the truth. Pay attention or pay the price.


Daniel Skognes

Life Choices

Posted in Motivational, Relationships, Spiritual
  • Be grateful or be resentful.
  • Laugh about it or cry about it.
  • Isolate yourself or have the fellowship and support of others.
  • Know and follow God or deny His existence.
  • Learn the lesson or continue making the same mistakes.
  • Live within your means or be enslaved to debt.
  • Trust God or go it alone.
  • Fill your mind with things that are good or things that are evil.
  • Read regularly or limit your learning.
  • Treat others with respect or find yourself becoming a target.
  • Eat a balanced diet and exercise or suffer the consequences physically, mentally, and emotionally.
  • Be kind to children, animals, and those less fortunate or find yourself in a time of need and nobody there to help you.
  • Learn to love yourself and others or live a life that is depressing and meaningless.
  • Find your purpose in life and pursue it or be frustrated for the rest of your life.
  • Never stop learning or find yourself ignorant.
  • Control yourself or others will do it for you.
  • Think before you speak or find yourself being punished, humiliated, or hurt.
  • Forgive everyone for everything or find yourself a prisoner of your past.
  • Learn to live in the moment or you will miss the blessing.
  • Live in faith or you will cower in fear.
  • Focus on the good and potential in others or you will be focused on their faults.
  • Choose your friends wisely or you will make stupid decisions.
  • Spend time regularly in God’s Word or you will miss His messages to you.
  • Use money wisely and don’t make it your god or you will find out firsthand what a harsh taskmaster it can be.
  • Seek wise counsel before making major decisions or you will be limited in your options.
  • Don’t make a major decision when you are too tired, too angry, or too hungry, or you will regret it.
  • Lead with love and understanding or you will find the followers rejecting you.
  • Be content with what you have or you will find yourself consumed with always wanting more.
  • Value your friends and family or you will find them avoiding you.


Daniel Skognes