The Problem With Lies

Let’s face it. Lies are problematic. No matter how big or how small the lie is, there are always consequences, and the consequences can be substantial. A lie will cost you more than you thought…perhaps even to the point of losing everything you have. You can count on that. Here are just a few of the problems:

  • We tell them so often we begin to believe them ourselves.
  • The lies we tell ourselves are particularly sick because they pervert what God has ordained for us.
  • They destroy relationships and trust.
  • They are habitual and can be very hard to break.
  • They indicate a sin problem that most folks just don’t want to admit to.
  • They are from the enemy of our soul, never from God.
  • You have to remember what you said because you will have to lie about it again or at the very least justify why you lied…and that never goes well.
  • They indicate a deep character flaw.
  • They make the receiver of the lie feel angry, used, vindictive, and hurt.

Next time you think about telling a lie (and we ALL are tempted to life from time to time), consider the consequences. The truth always comes out in the end. Why not just be truthful and not have to worry about it?

P.S. If you feel like you are going to have to lie to someone if you do a particular thing, don’t do it! No matter how good it looks, how good it feels, or how good you think it will turn out, don’t do it! Walk away and you will book back and be glad instead of sad. Choose wisely.


Daniel Skognes

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