
“People Love Unselfish Service” Brad C. Engle. Right? Who does not want someone to serve them unselfishly? We all want to be served. That is a given. It is part of our nature.

Here is my point: we all need to be PLUS people, but in a giving way. We need to give to others unselfishly and not expect anything in return. That is tough…because at the very least most of us want a thank you! When you do something nice for someone, shouldn’t you at least get that? The simple answer is, “Yes.” The real answer is, “That depends.”

People always have motives for what they do or don’t do. If someone does something for you and is expecting a thank you and does not get it, that is a problem, right? Chances are, there is going to be some tension and possibly some words exchanged about the issue.

The real problem is not seeing things from someone else’s viewpoint. That can be hard, no matter who you are. It seems that we all can have the best of intentions and still have things misunderstood. That is life. The bottom line is, what are you going to do now? Don’t settle for “It is what it is.” Think: “It is what we make it.”

You can be mad, pout, blame the other person, and point the finger, but the reality is: we all have to look in the mirror and accept responsibility for our part. If someone tried to do their best for you and it came off wrong, just thank them for what they intended even if you don’t understand it. If what you gave was not accepted for how you meant it, explain yourself and ask them to accept your gift for how you meant it: with love.

Be an unselfish giver and a thankful receiver. The two go hand in hand. Relationships that thrive are those that understand the cycle of give and take. If all you do is take you will run over people. If all you do is give you become a doormat that people step on to get what they want.

When we learn to give without expecting anything in return and give thanks for whatever we receive, that is true peace for all. That is Shalom!

Dan Skognes

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