Love Em and Lift Em

Teaching can be boiled down to a simple formula: love em and lift em.

  • You love em for who they are. You lift em to see their inner-beauty and potential.
  • You love em when they make mistakes. You lift em to take responsibility for their actions and consider the consequences.
  • You love em when they get what you are teaching. You lift em to put it into practice.
  • You love em when they show kindness to others. You lift em to be kind to everyone.
  • You love em when they are hurt or angry. You lift em to forgive those who hurt them.
  • You love em when they are disrespectful. You lift em to be respectful to all, even those they don’t like.
  • You love em when they want to give up. You lift em to press on, excel, and realize the power of perseverance.
  • You love em when they struggle with things at home. You lift em to focus on the task at hand and encourage them through the process.
  • You love em as they learn social skills. You teach them how to be a friend to others.


Daniel Skognes

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