14 Life Lessons

Posted in Business, Motivational, Relationships, Spiritual

1. Life is not fair. Get over it and quit whining.

2. Not everyone is trustworthy. Choose your friends wisely, and learn from your mistakes. Don’t give repeat offenders access to your inner circle.

3. Quit blaming someone else for your choices. You are responsible for the decisions you have made. This is part of growing up…so grow up. Own your mistakes.

4. You have to play the hand you were dealt. Play wisely. Consider the consequences.

5. You have two choices when you look at the glass of life. It is either half full or half empty. You have to choose which one you will drink from. Stay positive!

6. You don’t have to like everyone you work or live with, just learn to respect them and give them their space. If you want respect, give it. Remember that you can’t change anyone. Work on yourself and you will have your hands full.

7. Not everyone is going to like you, so quit trying to please everyone. Just be you…but make it the best you that you want to be.

8. Learn the power of forgiveness. If you forgive someone, they no longer have control over you. That is peace, power, and gives you freedom to move on.

9. Love conquers all. Let love rule your life. If you don’t know where to start, remember that God is love. Love God and love people.

10. Give thanks. Have an attitude of gratitude. A grateful heart will open the door for blessings.

11. Quit worrying about tomorrow. It does no good. Live today to the fullest. Trust God.

12. Learn the power of kindness. A simple act of kindness can help someone make it one more day. Be the person that extends a hand to help those who cannot help themselves.

13. Remember that everyone has issues. Cut them some slack and give them the grace that you need when you are having a rough day.

14. You find your purpose when you find your passion. Find what you are wired to do and you will love the life that you live. Everyone has a gift and a purpose, but we each have to find it on our own. Don’t give up on your dreams and don’t let anyone tell you who you are supposed to be. Let God direct your steps.


Daniel Skognes


Strive To Thrive

Posted in Business, Motivational, Relationships, Spiritual


I Got No Complaints

Posted in Business, Motivational, Relationships, Spiritual

It is pretty easy to find something to complain about these days, and some folks seem to be masters at the art of complaining. I try to distance myself from the negative folks, but they seem to chase me down at times to spread their misery and invite me into their pity party. LOL.

This past weekend I had the privilege to attend a men’s conference in Arlington, TX called Promise Keepers. The highlight of the weekend was getting to hear Nick Vujicic. Nick is a pretty unusual guy. He was born without arms and legs, and yet he has the most positive attitude of anyone I have ever heard that has a physical handicap. The truth is, Nick would tell you he is not handicapped. He has no limits.

Having been born that way, I can only imagine what life must be like for him to have grown up and having to have someone help him do pretty much everything. He had a quote that really hit me between the eyes: “God will not allow you to go through the pain in vain.”

Nick prays every day that God gives him arms and legs, but he adds, “Even if you don’t, God, use me today with what You’ve given me,” and boy has God used him! He has traveled all over the world and had the opportunity to speak to millions of people. His message is simple: God has a purpose for each of us, and He will give you what you need to walk out your purpose if you let Him. He truly has the most remarkable attitude of anyone I have every heard. After hearing Nick, I told the guy I rode with to the conference, “I don’t have any problems!”

Life is pretty amazing when you think about it. We all have problems. We all have issues to deal with. We all have pain to overcome. What makes the difference is how we look at the problems we face. Every problem presents new opportunities, and we have to decide if we are going to give up and quit, or are we willing to commit? Nick would be the first to tell you, “Don’t quit. Trust God.”

God has a plan despite what you see, what you feel, what you know, or what you hear. That is where faith comes in. The good news is even when we don’t have enough faith to sustain us, God will give us that too! I came away from the conference with a new sense of gratitude for all that God has done for me in the past, is doing for me now, and will be doing for me in the future. Now abides faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love. That about sums it up.

P.S. Did I mention that he married a beautiful Godly woman and they have 4 children?


Daniel Skognes



The Rut and the Groove

Posted in Business, Motivational, Relationships

Once upon a time there was a Rut. He was not happy. His life was boring, monotonous, and meaningless. Every day was a repeat of the day before. Nothing ever changed. He wondered if everyone lived like this, or was it just him?

As luck would have it, this particular day would change his life. As the Rut was going though his daily grind and lamenting his cursed luck, he came across a Groove. This guy was happy, thankful, and full of life. He seemed to have his act together, and frankly, that made the Rut mad! He did not like seeing others happy, and felt like everyone should experience his pain and agony.

He asked the Groove why he was so happy, and you know what he said? He said, “Life is what you make it. You choose whether to be a Rut or a Groove. You get to choose whether you see the glass half empty or the glass half full. You choose whether to embrace changes and obstacles as opportunities or whether to look at them as your enemy. You choose whether to live in fear or faith.”

The Rut was not expecting that answer. He figured the Groove had been given all of his good fortune, but it turned out that the Groove had worked hard for everything he had. This day was the one that changed the Rut’s life forever. He decided that he had control over one thing and that was his attitude. He had the ability to change how he looked at life, and he did! He started by being grateful for all the things God had done for him. He quit complaining and started praising God. He started to focus on the beauty of life and got the focus off of himself. Miraculously, the transformation began as he put aside his fears and chose to live a life of gratitude.

The lesson was simple: If you want things to change, YOU have to change. That is the secret of living a Groovy life. Here’s to getting you Groove on!


Daniel Skognes



Posted in Business, Motivational, Relationships

Leadership is a much debated topic. One thing is for sure, everyone has an opinion about what makes a good leader or a poor leader. Here is something to consider if you are in a position of leadership or aspire to one:

You’ll never lead anyone effectively until you learn to lead yourself.” Daniel Skognes

Think of effective leaders you have worked with in the past. I would wager that they share some common traits:

1. Effective leaders are good listeners. They are open to opposing points of view and don’t surround themselves with “yes men.”

2. They empower their people. They hold them accountable, but allow them to make mistakes within appropriate boundaries of authority. They don’t micromanage them.

3. They lead by example. No job is too menial and they put the needs of others ahead of their own ambitions. They lead by serving others.

4. They don’t fall into the trap of thinking, “We will do this because we have always done it this way. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” They anticipate change and embrace it. They don’t operate with a spirit of fear, but with a spirit of faith. They are willing to adapt and overcome.

5. They remain cool under fire. They allow neither their own emotions nor the emotions of others to dictate what they need to do.

6. They see potential in others and help them achieve their goals.

7. They set realistic goals for themselves and others, but always stretch for more.

8. They tell the truth even when it hurts, but they speak the truth in love.

9. They show respect for others even when they don’t deserve it because they understand that showing respect says more about themselves than it does about the other person.

10. They maintain a positive attitude in spite of the problems, obstacles, and attitudes of others.

11. They understand that nobody is perfect and they are transparent about their own shortcomings.

12. They exhibit courage in making decisions.

13. They are able to keep a confidence and they continually work on putting a bridle on their own tongue.

14. They surround themselves with wise advisors, and seek God’s help.

There is a proverb that says that a man who rules his own spirit can rule a city. Next time you observe a leader, think about what you like or dislike about them. The truth is, we all are leaders in some capacity. Whether you lead an organization, a family, a city, a nation, or just yourself, start with the attitude of a servant leader. If you start from a point of humility, you will likely grow and contribute in a positive way to this crazy world we live in. Leading with love comes at a cost, but the rewards are worth it. Don’t allow yourself to be the tyrant that you despise. It starts with you.


Daniel Skognes


The Titanic

Posted in Business, Motivational, Relationships

Most folks have seen the movie once if not several times, and those who haven’t at least know the story from history. Many people are mistaken, however, in what caused the Titanic to sink. It was not an iceberg. It was the arrogance and pride of the Captain thinking he could force his way through iceberg infested waters.

When we ignore all the warning signs and decide to plow full speed ahead, that can be disastrous if not fatal. It might be a relationship that we foolishly engaged in, a job that we never should have taken, making a fool-hardy investment, or numerous other stupid decisions.

Things did not end well for the people on the Titanic. 1,500 people lost their lives on the maiden voyage. All of the needless loss of lives and property could have been avoided had the Captain just heeded the warnings which were all around him.

If you think, “Damn the torpedoes; full speed ahead,” and the water ahead is filled with icebergs, then you are reaping what you have sown. Don’t blame others for your stubborn pride and be ready for a tragedy that is about to sink you and your plans.

Pay attention to the warning signs and you will find life a lot less painful and much more rewarding financially. John Wayne had a great quote: “Life if tough, but it’s tougher when you’re stupid.” Learn from your mistakes and save yourself a lot of grief. You don’t want to live a life of regret, do you?


Daniel Skognes


What Seeds Are You Growing?

Posted in Business, Motivational, Relationships, Spiritual



Posted in Business, Motivational, Relationships, Spiritual


Taken for Granted

Posted in Business, Motivational, Relationships

I don’t think there is a person on the planet who wants to be taken for granted. Everyone wants to be appreciated for who they are and what they have done, and yet it happens daily to someone that they feel like somebody is not really appreciating them. That is a sad state of affairs for anyone.

Here are a few thoughts to deal with the dilemma:

  1. If you are feeling under-appreciated, let it be known. Don’t expect the other person to know how you feel if you don’t express it. Be specific if there are areas that the other person can improve upon.
  2. Check your own attitude. Are you having a pity party and taking it out on someone because you are feeling needy or just having a bad day?
  3. Ask yourself, “Am I guilty of the thing that I am accusing them of?” If you don’t show appreciation to someone, perhaps you are getting what you give. Just a thought. I am not saying that is right, I am just giving some insight to human nature.
  4. Learn the secret of self-esteem: People have a hard time feeling good about themselves if they are not appreciated. A word of encouragement, a thank you, and a sincere compliment go a long way.

I think too often people look at the glass half empty and forget to give thanks for all that they have been given. Gratitude is something that we need to cultivate early in life; that is why it is so important to show gratitude to kids and teach them to do the same. What we learn in childhood tends to be carried into adulthood. It is a sad thing to see an adult acting like a child with no self-discipline and no appreciation for what they have.

Gratitude is shown in many ways: verbally, acts of kindness, and being there for someone when they are in need. I am grateful for many things. God has blessed me in countless ways and I truly appreciate all that He has entrusted to me. My wife, my family, my job, my health, my spiritual gifts, and God’s provision for me are things that I am truly grateful for. I may not always show it or express it, but I am working on that to be more visible to others.

Let’s treat those closest to us with respect, love, and affirmation. Those seeds that are planted today will reap a great harvest if we continue to sow the right seeds.


Daniel Skognes


Leadership 101

Posted in Business, Motivational, Relationships

We choose to encourage or discourage others by what we say.
