Mr. Fix-It

Mr Fix It dan skognes leadership development trainer coach consultant motivation blogger speaker

I have never been a handyman.  Never have, and probably never will be. I learned years ago that electrical work and plumbing were skills beyond my realm of expertise.  There is a reason that those people have to have a license. Not that I don’t want to know.  My brain just does not “get it” when it comes to fixing things.  Part of the problem is that I don’t like reading the instructions.  I tend to get the parts out of the box and put them together how I think it should be done.  I know, I know, that is pretty stupid.  I could save myself a lot of money, time, and effort by just reading the instructions.

Before you get too self-righteous, what areas of your life do YOU need to fix? Now I have gone to meddlin’ as they say in the South.  Men by nature want to fix things.  When someone mentions a problem to me, my mind automatically goes into the Mr. Fix-it mode and looks for a solution.  Apparently men are just wired that way.

Women, however, are not necessarily looking for the solution.  They just want to talk about it and expect us to listen without trying to fix it.  How in the world is THAT ever going to happen???  Men and women can drive each other crazy over this, and you know who we can blame for it all?  Mr. Fix-it!

Principle 1.  It is not necessary to fix everything.  In fact, that is impossible, so fix THAT.

Principle 2.  Don’t try to fix things that you are not equipped to fix.  Having the right tools is critical to fixing things.  That applies to physically and emotionally fixing things.  If you don’t have the right tools, you are liable to break something.  Breaking a tool is one thing, but breaking a heart is quite different and has much longer lasting implications.

Principle 3.  If you want to fix something, please fix yourself.  It is so easy to try to “fix” other people.  Here is a secret.  Lean over here and let me whisper this in your ear.  “NOBODY WANTS TO BE FIXED.”  So stop it!  LOL

I hope and pray that the guys out there that read this know when to put on the tool belt, and know when they need to take it off.  That they know when to get some new tools or sharpen the ones they have.

And for the women out there, in behalf of all the Mr. Fix-its, we are sorry for trying to fix everything.  Please cut us some slack.  We are wired that way and have to re-wire our thinking to communicate with you in your foreign tongue.  You may have to help us in that area…but please be gentle and patient with us, and for Pete’s sake, don’t try to fix US. (Ladies, here is a hint, it helps guys if you make them think it was THEIR idea….LOL).


Dan Skognes

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