In Need Of A Breakthrough?

Facing The Giants dan skognes leadership development trainer coach consultant motivation blogger speaker

Facing the Giants was a great movie.  One of the most inspiring scenes is where the Coach has Brock do the death crawl with one of his teammates on his back.  If you have not seen the movie, I highly recommend it.  There are so many good lessons in this one scene.  It shows a great coach. It shows a kid breaking through a barrier that he never dreamed he could do.  It shows the other kids on the team inspired by what they just witnessed.  Go see it, or watch it again.  You will thank me. You can see the clip on YouTube if you just want to see that part.

If you have hit a wall in your business, in your marriage, in your relationships, in your finances, whatever, you need a breakthrough.  What is the big wall that is keeping you from achieving greatness?  What is holding you back from your destiny?

Principle 1.  Do you have a great coach?  Not just a good coach, but someone who pushes you beyond what you think you can do? A great coach inspires greatness.  He will speak life into you when you are so drained that you think you can’t take one more step.  He will teach you that it takes faith coupled with unwavering perseverance to see a breakthrough.

Principle 2.  Breakthroughs are closer than you think.  We have probably all stopped too soon at different times in our lives when the breakthrough was right there around the corner, but we quit.  Don’t be a quitter.  Don’t throw in the towel.  Make the effort to take another step and see the breakthrough you have been praying for.

Principle 3.  A wall is only as thick as you make it.  Have you made the wall in your mind so thick that it is virtually impossible to break through?  Quit putting bricks on the wall.  HELLO…. McFly.  There are two ways to have a breakthrough.  One is to take down the wall brick by brick, and one is simply to bust through.  I personally am not very patient, so I prefer busting through and getting on with my life.  Both ways work, but I encourage you to have enough faith in yourself and to push yourself to bust through. You may be thinking, I could tunnel under it, or I could scale the wall, or simply go around it.  All of that is true.  Just one problem…there is a wall still standing that you have to deal with.  As Ronald Regan said, “Tear down this wall!”

Principe 4.  A breakthrough will never come to those who have settled.  If you have given up on ever seeing your dreams come true, you will never see your true destiny.  How tragic is that?  Think of the opportunities lost and the lives you could have affected for the better….including your own.

So, what is your wall?  Are you going to sit there and stew or are you going to break through?  That, my friend, is up to you.


Dan Skognes

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